Markets of the Central and Eastern Europe are offering a plenty of interesting opportunities in the field of small hydro power – being it in investment, export or sub supplying and outsourcing possibilities. Turkey has a second biggest hydropower potential in Europe (after Norway) – the full theoretical potential is calculated to reach 433 thousand GWh, of it 216 thousand GWh technical, and 130 thousand GWh economical potential. The country focuses on small and medium size hydro electric power plants, where Norwegian companies are highly competent, instead of large scale dams. There is a need for operational as well as management expertise. In the same time, Turkey is a net importer of turbines and accessories, as there is no local production of these.
Poland as an EU member is obliged to increase the share of energy produced from renewable resources from current 5 to 7.5% by 2010. Exploring of hydropower belongs to priority areas, aiming to utilise additional 882 GWh out of available 8.800 GWh technical potential. Thanks to the geographical conditions this can be mostly generated by small hydropower plants. Currently, there are approximately 6000 places available for installing new small plants at the existing – though often devastated – infrastructure. Simultaneously, in the pipeline there ongoing works on erection of new water heads and modernization of the existing power plants.
Similarly, the Czech Republic is aiming to double its share of renewable resources production within next two years. As most of the hydropower potential is already used in this country, the boom is expected in mini and microturbines for installation on low heads, together with reconstruction and repowering of hundreds of operating plants. What is more, the Czech Republic is a traditional and world-known producer of turbines, generators and other parts of hydropower plants. Advanced local suppliers, engineers and universities combined with competitive labour costs create an interesting opportunity for know-how transfer, technology supplies, outsourcing and trade cooperation with Norwegian counterparts.
Innovation Norway offices in Prague, Warsaw and Istanbul have prepared a study summarising the current situation and perspectives in utilising hydropower in individual countries, together with summary of existing opportunities for Norwegian business.
If you are interested in a free copy of the report and further information how your business can be developed in these countries, please contact the following advisers
Innovation Norway Turkey: Mr. Ali Basol
Innovation Norway Poland: Ms. Ewa Kwast
Innovation Norway Czech Republic: Ms. Veronika Bogarova
You are also encouraged to visit the Innovation Norway Energy and Environment website at