I dag presenterer European Renewable Energy Council og Greenpeace en ny rapport med tittelen: TOWARDS A FULLY RENEWABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE EU 27 Som tittelen antyder tar rapporten seg hvordan EU kan legge om energiforbruket fra dagens fossile regime til et 100% fornybart energiforbruk. Rapporten angir 6 punkter for å få dette til:
1. Exploitation of the large existing energy efficiency potential will
ensure that primary energy demand is reduced by more than a
third, from the current 73,880 PJ/a (2007) to 46,030 PJ/a in
2050, compared to 75,920 PJ/a in the Reference scenario. This
dramatic reduction is a crucial prerequisite for achieving a
significant share of renewable energy sources in the overall
energy supply system, compensating for the phasing out of
nuclear energy and reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.
2. Electric vehicles pick up in the transport sector and hydrogen
produced from electrolysis plays an increasingly important role.
After 2020, the final energy share of electric vehicles increases
to 14% by 2030 and to 62% by 2050. More public transport
systems also use electricity and there is a greater shift in
transporting freight from road to rail. With biomass mainly
committed to stationary applications for heat and power
generation, the production of biofuels is limited by the
availability of sustainable raw materials.
3. The increased use of CHP generation additionally improves the
supply system’s energy conversion efficiency, increasingly using
natural gas and biomass. In the long term, improved energy
efficiency and a decreasing demand for heat, as well as a large
potential for producing heat directly from renewable energy
sources, limits the further expansion of CHP.
4. The electricity sector will be the pioneer of renewable energy
utilisation. By 2050, around 97% of electricity will be produced
from renewable sources. A capacity of 1,520 GW will produce
4,110 TWh of renewable electricity per year by 2050. A
significant share of the fluctuating power generation from wind
and solar photovoltaics will be used to supply electricity for
vehicle batteries and produce hydrogen as a secondary fuel in
transport and industry. By using load management strategies,
excess electricity generation will be reduced and more balancing
power made available.
5. In the heat supply sector, the contribution of renewables will
increase to 92% by 2050. Fossil fuels will be increasingly
replaced by more efficient modern technologies, in particular
biomass, solar collectors and geothermal. Geothermal heat
pumps and solar thermal power will play a growing part in
industrial heat production.
6. By 2050, 92% of final energy demand will be covered by
renewable energy sources. To achieve an economically attractive
growth of these sources, a balanced and timely mobilisation of
all technologies is of great importance. Such mobilisation
depends on technical potentials, actual costs, cost reduction
potentials and technical maturity.
Småkraftforeninga synes rapporten er interessant, men er forsåvidt kun nok en rapport i en uendelig rekke av rapporter og utredninger. Det som likevel skiller denne rapporten fra mange andre er at den kobler omleggingen opp mot ny økonomisk vekst og er sånn sett mer troverdig og gjennomførbar enn andre rapporter.
Hele rapporten kan lastes ned via linken.